3 Reasons Why You Need Killer Website Copy

Your website copywriting, or copy for short, refers to the written content on your website, including headlines, body text, and calls to action. It's often overlooked, but website copy is actually one of the most important elements of your website. It can make or break your website's success and have a huge impact on your business and its growth. In this blog post, we will explore 3 reasons why your website copy is so powerful in both attracting and converting potential clients in your business.

1 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

One of the main reasons why website copy is so vital is that it plays a big role in your website's search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines, like Google, use website copy to understand the content of your website and to determine where to rank it in search results. Having well-written, keyword-rich copy on your website can help your website rank higher in search results, which can lead to more traffic and more business. For example, if you are an acupuncturist based in Brisbane who specialises in fertility acupuncture, then creating long-form content like blog posts that specifically target your audience of women trying to get pregnant is going to help you rank higher up on Google. If people can’t find your content and therefore your business, there’s little chance they are going to become paying clients of yours. 

2 - Branding and Credibility

Website copy also plays a big role in branding and credibility. Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. The words on your website can make a huge impact on how people perceive your business. Poorly written website copy can make your business seem unprofessional and lacking the knowledge that comes with experience. Well-written copy on the other hand can help establish you and your business as an expert in your industry. Website copy including blog posts show that you know what you are talking about when it comes to your niche. Using the example of an acupuncturist again, you’re not going to let someone poke needles in your body without having some level of confidence in their ability and training.

3 - Conversions

Finally, one of the main reasons why website copy is so powerful is that it can have a big impact on conversions. Website copy is what convinces visitors to take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Having well-written, persuasive copy on your website can help increase conversions, which can lead to more business. An example of this could be a well-written sales page that hits all the pain points of your intended ideal client and makes them feel heard. Offering a solution to their main problems or issues in their life will help to win them over and make it impossible for them to not book your service.

Often not much thought is put into website copy but making sure it is killer is so powerful for your brand and business. It plays a big role in your website's search engine optimization (SEO), branding and credibility, and conversions. Having well-written, keyword-rich copy on your website can help your website rank higher in search results, establish your business as an expert in your industry and increase conversions. It's important to invest in website copy that is well-written, persuasive, and optimized for search engines, in order to achieve a better website performance and an increased ROI.

Ready to work with me to create your dream website but haven’t got your dream copy ready yet? Click here to contact me about my high converting website copy packages.



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